Friday, May 23, 2008

Multimedia: "Dali in Africa"

copyright MRust 2008

"There is no dominant painting style in Surrealism. Considered from the point of view of technique it exhibited three main tendencies. The first tendency (which proved in the short term to be the most innovatory in terms of physical working methods) was that of discovering imagery by mechanical techniques where chance was exploited. The purpose was to 'irritate' the vision, to stimulate the imagination and to force inspiration.

Andre Breton's phrase 'pure psychic automatism' was intended to apply to the process of writing and Breton even gave practical hints on how to do it. In 1930 he published his second Manifeste du surréalisme in which he defined 'surreality' as the reconciliation of the reality of dreams with the reality of everyday life into a higher synthesis.
Underlying the interest in automatism and dream lay the Surrealist notion of what was called 'objective chance'. They believed that the existence of coincidences (events for which there were no rational explanations) was evidence and that true reality was not ordered or logical. Access to reality could only be gained through the unconscious mind.

Multimedia: "Valencia Vessel" - 2008



Galleries - Totem Meneghelli Galleries
Partner of Tribal Art magazine

Totem Meneghelli Galleries2 President St. Germiston 1400 Johannesburg South Africa
+27 (011) 873-1266
+27 (011) 825-1595

Click below to see photostream of African Ceramics collected for Investment Company in the USA - CONTACT DETAILS:

Daniel Rootenberg - Jacaranda Tribal -

About the Company
Jacaranda Tribal was formed to meet the growing interest in the traditional arts of South and East Africa. Jacaranda Tribal offers museum-quality pieces to both collectors and museum curators. We are an internet-only gallery, offering visitors the convenience of buying over the internet with the security of knowing that the authenticity of all our works offered for sale is guaranteed.

About the Director
Daniel Rootenberg, the Director of Jacaranda Tribal, is a native of South Africa. He resides in New York City but travels frequently to South Africa. Pieces from his private collection have been on display at the Michael C. Rockefeller Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City and are now on exhibit at the exhibition celebrating the reopening of the Neuberger Museum of African Art, Purchase College, New York. Beadwork from the collection will also be on display in the important upcoming show titled African Beaded Art: Power and Adornment, curated by John Pemberton and to be held at Smith College, Massachusetts in 2008.


Some 550 art objects will be offered in the 54th Tribal Art auction on July 5th, 2008 at Zemanek-Münster in Würzburg.
Date: 2008, July 5, Start: 2 pm
African and Oceanic Tribal Art from European private collections.


Auctionhouse: Zemanek-MünsterSchildhof 2 / Corner Neubaustrasse Tel: +49 931 17721 Fax: +49 931 17736
Date: 2008, July 5, Start: 2 pm
African and Oceanic Tribal Art from European private collections
download catalogue as pdf browse online catalogue order the catalogue