"I Ching and the African Renaissance"
Press release - 12 June 2008
NOW Venter has embarked on the most ambitious artists' book project ever attempted on African soil. This week he released 6 artists' books online - as a preview and call for interest and sponsorship. Each artists' book contains 6666 full color illustrations (the online versions only 499).
http://issuu.com/nomadicexploration/docs/01_the_many_faces_of_me http://issuu.com/nomadicexploration/docs/02_dark_city http://issuu.com/nomadicexploration/docs/03_fluid_fwd_modern http://issuu.com/nomadicexploration/docs/04_the_will_to_escape http://issuu.com/nomadicexploration/docs/05_flying_sideways
Venter hopes to print all 6 books and bind each 6666 illustrated artists' book in some physical form for exhibition.