Collage: Multimedia - "Integrated Thought"
For Andre: "Gesamtkunstwerk/Pink Floyd-"The writing is on the wall "
Music: "La Coutte D'Or-From St. Germain (Tourist) - Track 8
Guest: Ernest Rangun
Composer: Zudovic Navanne
Background: Wagner's Parsifal.
"The characteristic mark of Wagner's thought in its astounding unity, a unity of things far removed in time, and a gathering together of the heterogeneous under a single point of view.
In general too, this is perhaps the most prominent quality of artistic thought founded on observation and intuition. Of any dialectic process (in the sense of Hegel), every conception evolving necessarily into its opposite, the two then combining to a new, synthetic conception, and son on, there is here no trace; it is al organic growth - growth by "introssusception" in which the new elements do not destroy the old ones, but penetrate and expand them. In this way does the oak grow from a seed-germ to the "Monarch of the Forest": in this way grew Wagner's thoughts."
Term: "Gesamtkunstwerk" (total/integrated or complete Artwork) - German term attributed to the German opera composer Richard Wagner.
Mutimedia- From Wagner to Virtual Reality.
John Williams - Star Wars
Rock composer Jim Steinman - created Wagnerian Rock
John Boorman - Excalibur
Francis Ford Coppola - Apocalypse Now
Wagner Quates:
"Joy is not in things; it's in us."
"Imagination creates reality."
- New Systems of thought: "I Ching and the African Renaissance."

Andre Venter