Artistic Research and the Poetics of Knowledge: link.....
It becomes interesting when artistic forms of knowledge do not restrict themselves to applications of theory, but rather begin to develop into hybrid formations of knowledge, or when they intervene in theoretical discourses, or have an impact on them, and thus contribute to theory construction. This summarizes a hybridization of art and research that could present itself as the most significant challenge for cultural sciences today. In other words, with a project of artistic research, which decidedly places itself within close proximity of scientific territory, the fraying of the art genres that Adorno noted in the 1960s would fall just as short as the interdisciplinary aspect of the sciences, and, namely, benefit a chiastic overlapping of art and cultural sciences.
This inquiry expands on ideas initially worked out in The Depictive Image:
Metaphor and Literary Experience (University of Massachusetts Press;
November 1988). This study demonstrates how authors as diverse as Kierkegaard,
Unamuno, Henry James, and Margaret Atwood employ "mythemic figurations" in ways
that disclose defining limits of discursive analytical reason in the domains,
respectively, of religious, national-cultural, psychosocial, and
psychobiological experience.